Heart Health

Heart Health

February (RedFeb) is Heart Research Month - and this is a topic that I am really excited about. I believe that our understanding of heart disease is far from complete. Once we have a deeper insight into how exactly it develops we will have a whole new toolkit for...

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Carb Confusion

Carb Confusion

Carb Confusion Carbohydrates have become a feared food group, to the extent that fruit avoidance is not uncommon. Is this justified? Can science help us make sense of it? An interesting study was published in the American Journal of Physiology this month. The study...

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Starving your way out of diabetes

Starving your way out of diabetes

A study published in a prestigious journal, Cell, has found that intermittent starvation can remodel pancreatic cells and effectively a reverse diabetes. In this study, diabetic mice were subjected to ‘fasting mimicking diet’ (FMD) that was severely calorie...

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Specialist GP, Functional Medicine Doctor, Board Certified in Lifestyle Medicine
